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BuyEssayFriend Support

Our professional BuyEssayFriend Customer Support Team is one of our biggest advantages, as it provides our customers with help of any kind, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you have any questions about our services, prices, refunds, or anything else, you can always contact our Customer Support Team by calling 1-888-382-7232 or using the online chat on our website. You can also send an email to [email protected].

Many customers cannot decide what information they should provide in the Order Form or don’t have enough time to complete it. Quite often, they also have some questions and want to hear answers before they decide to make an order. In this case, our BuyEssayFriend Support Team will provide you with the necessary information, explain how our services work, and even complete the Order Form for you. However, don’t forget to provide our Customer Support with all the important details and required personal information so that they can complete the Order Form correctly. Our Customer Support may also contact you both during the ordering stage and during the writing process to clarify any necessary details.

You can also order our VIP Customer Service. If you choose to order this extra, all your questions and request will be marked as the highest priority. You won’t need to wait and our team will make sure that all of your questions are answered as quickly as possible. To order VIP Customer Support, add this feature to your Order. When ordering this feature, you will also stay up-to-date about the writing process, as we will send you SMS notifications. To receive these notifications, please provide our Customer Support with the correct contact information.

Our Customer Support team will also help you if you participate in our Referral Program and change any personal information (name, email, etc.). Our team will quickly update your profile and make sure you receive all your bonuses. We also suggest that you talk to our BuyEssayFriend Support any time you change any personal information so that we can contact you.

If you don’t know how to pay for your order or have any problems with payments, please contact our Customer Support Team to get information on available methods of payment and supported systems.