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Essay Sample on Nurse’s Role in Conflict Resolution

Nurses play an important role in conflict resolution. For example, in a conflict between a client and his or her family, a nurse can facilitate the resolution through various strategies (Hiemer, n.d.). Firstly, the nurse should ensure that each party respects another by focusing on the issues causing the conflict and not the personalities of the individuals in both parties.

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Essay Sample about The Cruel and Unusual Nature of the Death Penalty

The death penalty is cruel in the sense of how the justice system does away with the lives of people, even some of whom may be innocent. Such incorrect sentencing in courts further leads to injustices, especially to both families of the suspect and the victims in cases where innocent people suffer executed.

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Essay Sample on Difference between Leadership & Management

Leadership and management, though two closely-knit terms, are quite distinct terms but have very different meanings in the management of organizations. The assignment describes the difference between leadership and management, addresses the question that should all nurses be considered as leaders and the characteristics which make them leaders, and comparing and contrasting the responses with the views of power as per servant leadership.

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Literature Essay Sample on “Maus” by ART SPIEGELMAN

Maus, a graphic novel created by Art Spiegelman, delineates the harrowing story of the artist’s father, who was a survivor of the Holocaust. The story is presented through a series of interviews, and the characters are depicted as animals: the Poles are shown as pigs, the Germans as the cats and the Jews as mice.

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Essay Sample on Market Surveillance

The primary objective of many businesses is to make profits from the sale of goods and services. As a result, many organizations engage in various marketing activities to create awareness of the existence of their products in the market. Some of the marketing activities include advertising, sales promotion, market research, and public relations.

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