Conversation with Scratch Author Manjula Martin Have you ever thought about writing and money not as two separate things but as two parts of the same process? Today writing is a great source of earning a living, but unfortunately, people do not enough focus on this topic. They prefer talking about how to write some…
Wants and Needs of a Freelancer. The Importance of Writing Community We got used to thinking that being a freelancer is a job only for singles, but that’s not always true. Freelance writers spend a lot of working time alone in front of the computer screen, and this fact reduces the time to communicate with…
10 Free Writing Contests for You with the Cash Awards Rome wasn’t built in a day, and something similar happens to the writers. It’s impossible to become a wonderful writer in a day or a week. Even if people have skills and inclinations to writing, they have to work hard to sharpen their talents. Taking…
Effective Ways to Make Your Science Papers Better Writing for scientific journals is a wide-spread practice for researchers in various disciplines, but not all of them know how to make research articles the most effective. Very often such articles are filled with extremely complicated professional jargon, as the author focuses his/her attention on a very…
Strategies on writing an academic paper The first step is always the most difficult. Even if you are a scientist and want to share the results of your discovery, there is still a plenty of questions you need to cover. For instance, how to write the academic paper, what to look for, how much you…
The whole truth about writing process The process of writing is not an easy thing. If you have an assignment to write some type of work, obviously you were given some instruction, tips, plan or maybe, even a topic. However, when it comes to your own writing there might be some problems that every writer…
Learning making pancakes, Ideas for Holidays Top 10 pancake fillings – sweet and savory Ohh yes! This happens to be one of the areas I like to have my ideas skyrocketing into the air. Who doesn’t like a beautifully made pancake? I guess if there are people who really don’t like them, then they are…
Bill of Rights Essay, History If you’ve been trying to understand why the Bill of Rights is so important, then you are about to discover it’s actually a very great document. Before the proper explanation of this Bill, first, you have to know how it originated. America declared independence in 1776 at which point individual…
Reasons Why People Can’t Write All of us have faced the writing problems at least once in their life. You may ask what I mean when I say writing problems. First of all, you should know and understand that this issue may be considered with two perspectives – from author’s and reader’s sides. The part…
Christmas Hits That Will Make the Celebration Better There exist many types of music and different people prefer listening to different soundtracks. Christmas is coming soon… So, won`t it be a great idea to find a perfect playlist for this magic time? From traditional and classic Christmas songs, there is a great number of different…