“Publish or perish”-learn how to be skilful writer of academic paper

Strategies on writing an academic paper
The first step is always the most difficult. Even if you are a scientist and want to share the results of your discovery, there is still a plenty of questions you need to cover. For instance, how to write the academic paper, what to look for, how much you can joke and what language to use, etc. In this article, you will find the answers and winning strategies to a successful academic paper.
Since the academic paper is the publication of new researched results, it also reflects your ability to find new questions and/or non-standard solutions to existing ones. One more reason to tell the world about the work is that no matter how great you are if you do not tell anyone about this, no one will know about it at all. That means that your findings can be very important to specialists, have great value and influence their research, but if you do not publish them, the scientific community won’t know about the significant discovery of yours.
Strategy №1 Develop an interesting topic
A clearly written academic paper should serve as a tool for readers, so dedicate it to a specific scientific sector. If the content of the work is intended for subject matter experts, be sure to indicate this in the introduction.
Remember about the content: the text is not the paragraph of someone else’s theoretical statements and your results should be represented only in the conclusion. The paper is your personal vision of the problem, which is based on the processed theoretical material.
Strategy №2 Refer to the authentic works
Do not try to imitate the journalistic style or the nature of the essay in your work. The academic paper is always based on the already presented notions through the prism of the facts you have selected. You have to show through the references to other researchers that you fully covered the topic. If you plan to state only your thoughts and do not confirm them by any authoritative source –your work won’t be considered as the academic one.
Always follow the style of writing. Very often, inexperienced writers are willing to show their knowledge by using a large number of non-diversified words. As a result, the text becomes unreadable even for experienced colleagues. Use terminology and narrow-focused words only if it is required, and always give explanations.
Strategy №3 Structure your text
While covering the topic give a small historical reference to your question. Even if the topic of your work is innovative, you can always find a theoretical basis in related sciences.
The text of the work should always be logical. The paper needs to be structured properly. It actually plays an important role in perceiving your academic paper for readers.
Pick up one aspect of the story and stick to it. The perfect way is to point out only one side of the problem in the work. This narrows the subject sufficiently. Then you will be able to inform the reader about all the nuances of the described problem, to show subtle contextual connections.
Strategy №4 Create a convincing conclusion
One more time review all the sources, the introductory and the main part. In the final block, present all the results of this issue. They will look completely new to the reader, this is the logical conclusion of all your ideas from the main part. The conclusion should not contain new information. Try to generalize, not retell the information above.
Remember that the main thing is to deliver the message to the readers, if you want to be 100% sure that you achieved the goal, share your academic paper with the people who can give you a feedback on whether they get the idea of your work or don’t.
Use our advice and follow the above-described strategies. The key to success is the right correlation of the information from the sources and your personal statements.