The Role of Writing Community in Freelancer’s Life

Wants and Needs of a Freelancer. The Importance of Writing Community
We got used to thinking that being a freelancer is a job only for singles, but that’s not always true. Freelance writers spend a lot of working time alone in front of the computer screen, and this fact reduces the time to communicate with people other than clients.
At the very beginning of their careers young writers are mainly focused on the search of the reliable clients and high wages, but later they may feel the need to expand the professional contacts and create their own “freelance team” you can call at any time.
Why Do Writers Need Their Freelance Communities?
If you don’t understand why even every experienced freelancer aims to have some team of specialists, we will explain. Support is the first and main reason. Despite how long you are in this business and how many projects, clients, and professional acquaintances are in your track record, you should have people you can rely on and who you can ask for advice. This is a mandatory condition for professional growth. You shouldn’t confuse your professional contacts with your writing community. The easiest way to distinguish them lies in the following – the formers know about your existence and perceive you as a colleague, the latter is ready to help ads support you to succeed whenever you need, even if you didn’t ask them for that.
In What Way Can You Gather Your Writing Community?
Your community members may be closer than you think. Look around and think whether you have anyone who offers you some better opportunities and attractive projects, as he or she is interested in your personal and your professional growth. It may be an editor, another writer or any person involved in this business. They don’t mind recommending your candidacy if someone’s project covers your sphere of interests and you can cope with it.
If you haven’t happened to meet such people, please, don’t get upset. Take the situation in your hands and look for them. For that, you can be more active online and join various writing groups and forums. Another option is to meet freelancers in person while attending conferences or talking with local writers over a cup of coffee in a café.
Being a Community Member Provides Two-Way Support
If you wait for help from your freelance community, the other its members also count on your support. After joining some community you can’t think only about yourself and build your own career, now you have to pay attention to challenges of the others too. You should be active and communicate with the editors and writers of your community, in particular, share articles and initiate discussions on this or that point online. You can’t ignore writers or editors when they ask for some assistance. Even though you aren’t available now, you should respond and explain everything, maybe, they can wait a little bit until you complete the task. Don’t forget to promote and recommend community’s members to other people.
Keep in your mind one thing – the best community should consist of a few people. There are several reasons for such position. The fewer people are included in your team, the better support you can provide for each of them. It’s impossible to read the drafts of everyone at the online writing forum or freelance group. It’s much better and effective to organize some narrow range of reliable specialists who can and will work as a team player. Knowing that a few trusted people are by your side, you can start a new chapter of your career and create strong professional relationships and friendships. Don’t you consider this a sound basis for your personal and professional development?