Writing Better Science Papers, writing help for students.

Effective Ways to Make Your Science Papers Better
Writing for scientific journals is a wide-spread practice for researchers in various disciplines, but not all of them know how to make research articles the most effective. Very often such articles are filled with extremely complicated professional jargon, as the author focuses his/her attention on a very narrow audience – highly specialized colleagues. Unexperienced writers may also include many unnecessary details and thus prevents the effective transmission of information.
The successful and relevant paper is interesting and can be used by a wide audience that also includes researchers and scientists in other spheres. For that reason, we created some infographic how to increase the effectiveness of your article, and now we want to share it with you.
Scientific Writing
1. Title. Make it specific to describe the content and simple at the same time. The title should be laconic.
2. Abstract. You need to grab readers’ attention by means of the first statement. The abstract should be short, so don’t stuff it with all possible details.
3. Introduction. To highlight the most relevant things and explain why you did that is a crucial point for writing the introduction. Show the key issues of the paper and present its background.
4. Results and Discussion. This section should be concise and informative. Concentrate attention on the essential parts, but not on single details. Discuss expected and unexpected findings, both of them are valuable.
5. Timing. Set aside time for writing. Create a regular schedule for working on the paper. Choose a time when you are most productive.
6. References. Check the list of references for including only up-to-date literature. Use reference management software in order to save time.
7. Citing. Give preference to your own words. You must cite the source if you use someone’s idea or fact. Put quotation marks for short material and indent it if other’s words are long.
8. Writing. Don’t create very long and complicated sentences and paragraphs. Apply headings, bullets, boldface, and italics if necessary. Make user-friendly graphics.
9. Editing. Show the manuscript to others. Revise the final version of the paper for several times before sending it to a journal.