Bill Gates` Recommendations on favorite books for students

The list of Bill Gate`s favorite books
Are there people who don`t know Bill Gates? He is well-known all over the world for making billions in the sphere of technology. Nowadays, he is spending his money on diseases and climate issues.
Gate is a true lover of science and he has recommended lots of books on science, which concern various topics. We have chosen for you a list of Gate`s most favorite books, which are worth your attention. So, let`s start!
‘Thing Explainer: Complicated Stuff in Simple Words’ by Randall Munroe
Munroe published his book in 2015, which explains the work of modern technologies with the help of only 1,000 common words of English.
Gates says, that if you can not explain something with simple and clear words, then you don`t understand it. Here`s one of Bill`s explanation why a microwave cooks frozen foods not evenly:
When you put frozen food into the microwave, the parts of ice start melting and turning to water. And as the result these parts become really hot and they can start turning into air even faster than all the ice is gone.
‘The Gene: An Intimate History’ by Siddhartha Mukherjee
Genome science is not among the list of topics, which interest people. Still Gate is sure that Mukherjee has managed to show this in the concepts of our everyday live. The author tries to give answers to questions, which concern our personalities and what exactly makes us be who we are.
Bill Gates said about this book, “This book is written for people who like to stay in a bed for most of the time, as he knows well that genome science is becoming more and more important in modern world and it will affect our lives in various aspects.”
Mukherjee is not only an author, he is also a teacher, physician and researcher. Gates calls him “quadruple threat”.
‘The Grid: The Fraying Wires Between Americans and Our Energy Future’ by Gretchen Bakke
This book is a great example of how Gates thinks of book genres in the same way as Netflix of films.
Gates` first job was to write software for a company which provided power to the Pacific Northwest. Thanks to this he realized how important grids are for everyday life. “The Grid” like reminds us of them and shows them as the true engineering marvels.
Gates also admits, that this book will show you why grid modernization is so complicated and at the same important for our clean-energy future.
‘Seveneves’ by Neal Stephenson
Gates has chosen to read “Seveneves” on his friend`s recommendation, and he says that hasn`t regretted. The plot of the book starts from the first sentence, which tells that the moon blows up.
But that`s only the beginning. The humanity is going to get that all species are under threat. In two years the cataclysm in the way of meteor shower will destroy the whole world. The only thing that people can do to save life is to send as many space craft into orbit as possible.
Gates notes, that you may lose your mind with much information about the flight, but technical details are very interesting.
‘The Fever: How Malaria Has Ruled Humankind for 500,000 Years’ by Sonia Shah
Malaria has become an important issue in Gates` Foundation. About 430,000 people die every year because of this decease, and more than 220 million people are infected all over the world.
If you don`t have much time to read a lot on the subject, then “The Fever” will be the best choice.
This book was published in 2010 and obviously it doesn`t contain up-to-date information concerning the decease. Still, a book tells much on malaria, its influence and ways of solutions.
‘Sapiens: A Brief History of Humankind’ by Yuval Noah Harari
Nowadays we are the only kind of people on the Earth, but it wasn`t so 100,000 years ago. Then various species of human beings existed, homo sapiens turned to be the strongest ones to evolve.
Gates says, Melinda and he has read the book and they always find an interesting topic for a conversation at a table thanks to the book. The author sets a challenging goal to tell us the history of humanity in 400 pages.
Still Harari doesn`t concentrate his discussion on the past, he pays much attention to the future of “human” taking into consideration the rapid development of genetic engineering and artificial intelligence.
Gates advices this book to everyone who is interested in the development and in the future of our species.