Top 6 engineering careers that offer an exciting experience and a high salary

Top 6 Engineering Science Careers
Did you know that the highest paying jobs are found in the engineering field? Engineering job offers are available all over the world for people of different age and ethnicity. To become a specialist in this area, you will need to obtain a degree in the university. However, modern technologies allow people to assign to online courses and pass tests on the Internet and even STEM problem-solving services.
If you get really bored when hearing about engineering, you probably do not know much about this field. If you think that engineers are people who work with tough equipment and have no chance to be creative, you are wrong. Engineering requires very talented and creative people. There are 40 different types of engineering careers that are very popular now.
Let’s review the top 6 engineering science careers that are in high demand and promise to bring you a good salary.
Petroleum engineering
The global demand for energy is increasing every single year. However, there are a lot of professionals leave every year, therefore, new ambitious and skilled people are required. Nowadays, you can study petroleum engineering in the university as well as assign to an online course and complete it. You can check how many job offers are available on the Internet and make sure that this type of engineering is really demanding.
Starting salary: $74,000
Experienced salary: $180,000
Computer engineering
More and more young people dream of becoming computer engineers because such job is profitable and allows to apply theoretical and practical skills. The statistics say that over the last few years, the number of graduates with a degree in computer engineering increased. Now, employers in this field seek skilled people who are good at computer hardware as well as soft engineering.
Starting Salary: $64,000
Experienced salary: $150,000
Chemical engineering
Chemical engineers are highly demanded in the areas of manufacturing and research. They do not work in labs only but apply their practical experience to electronics, clothing, paper, medicine, food, and other areas. Review available job offers for chemical engineers to understand what experience and skills are required. Most offers provide a career in technical sales.
Starting Salary: $58,000
Mid-career salary: $155,000
Electrical engineering
For a lot of young people, the electrical engineering occupation sounds too boring. However, students who study this discipline, develop designing, testing, and supervising skills. Every electrical engineering job offer requires professionals who can design electronics schematics for consumer and commercial use. The growth of this very area is expected to be a minimum of 5%.
Starting Salary: $57,000
Mid-career salary: $90,000
Materials engineering
The companies that specialize in materials engineering invite professional, experienced, reliable and talented people who can develop and test materials for consumer and industrial products. Material engineers work with fabrics and metals and choose what product to apply for a specific case. This very job will always be in demand because new buildings are being build every single day all over the world. Having knowledge, skills, and experience at materials engineering will allow you to find a decent position no matter where you decide to live after finishing a study program.
Starting Salary: $53,000
Mid-career salary: $85,000
Aerospace engineering
Nowadays, the growth of aerospace engineering grows with an incredible speed. Companies that offer graduates to start working as aerospace engineers offer a high starting salary and great perspectives. The main tasks of professional aerospace engineers include developing aircraft and spacecraft. The students can choose what degree they want to study the discipline at. Bachelor’s, Master’s, and Ph.D. levels allow students to start practicing skills and develop air- and spacecraft applying modern technologies.
Starting Salary: $65,000
Mid-career salary: $105,000
Has any of the above-mentioned occupation made you wonder whether you can become good at it? As you discovered, engineering requires not only practical skills but a creative mind. If you are interested in studying one of the disciplines, choose to study in the university or complete an online course.