How to Write Cause-and-Effect Sentence

What Is Cause-and-Effect Sentence? Types of it.
Cause-and-effect sentences can be widely used both in non-fiction and fiction writing, however, you must make sure that your cause-and-effect sentences do not confuse the readers!
In fact, the structure of this kind of sentence is very simple and clear. There are two basic types of cause-and-effect sentences that can be distinguished.
- The first one is when you actually start with the cause connecting it to the effect using conjunction for that purpose.
For example: The whole class studied hard for their final exam [cause] and [conjunction] got the highest average point among the others [effect].
- The second type is when you start your cause-and-effect sentence with an effect instead, and after that, you connect it to the cause still using the conjunction.
For example: An HR chose that candidate [effect] mostly because of [conjunction] his experience and perfect testimonials [cause].
However, there is also an alternative kind of cause-and-effect sentence. In this case, the sentence starts with a conjunction, then goes the cause which must be followed with a comma, and only then you put an effect in the end.
For example: Because [conjunction] of unpredictable weather [cause], we decided to cancel our flight to Dublin [effect].
What is this conjunction, you may ask? Well, even though it sounds somewhat complicated, you already use it in daily life! A conjunction is a component of a sentence that joins together two parts of it in one solid structure. You definitely use such conjunctions as “and”, “or”, “yet”, “so”, “therefore”, “because”, “when”, “after”, “since”, “before” and many others.
Cause-and-effect Paragraphs. Types and Tips
There is also such thing as cause-and-effect paragraphs that you need to know about. They are not so hard to write and they have pretty much in common with cause-and-effect sentences in fact.
The same as cause-and-effect sentences, paragraphs can start either with a cause followed by the explanation of an effect, or you can start the cause-and-effect paragraph with an effect and then explain the cause. The only difference about them is that, unlike cause-and-effect sentences above, it is an assumption that plays an important role when building a cause-and-effect paragraph.
Now, let’s take a closer look at both of those types.
- When you start your cause-and-effect paragraph with a cause, you have to start with a topic sentence which is actually a description of a cause. After that, you go on with listing the effects (or mentioning an effect if there is only one possible). Here it is essential to make sure that your assumption or assumptions are stated very clearly!
- If you are going to make a paragraph that starts with an effect, you need to start with a topic sentence (which, as we remember, describes an effect) and then proceed with the list of causes. And again, make sure to clarify what your assumptions are.
And remember to be attentive and use the most proper way of constructing a cause-and-effect sentence or a paragraph when writing.