How to Write Essays Introducing Cities: Steps and Tips

Do you need to compose an essay that introduces a particular city? That is not such a complex task! Do your research and move to the writing stage with our simple writing guide!
Steps of introducing cities
Pick up the city to write about.
Choose the sources to use that can be referenced in your essay. You can use books, newspapers, magazines, websites like Wikipedia, and so on.
Come up with three to four broad topics to cover in your essay.
For each topic, create a list of specific facts using the sources of your research.
Take every single fact and write a detailed sentence about it.
Unite these sentences into paragraphs on each broad topic. Use linking words and phrases to provide the logical sequence to your essay.
Finalize your paper. Check spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Make sure the writing flows smoothly, and the sentences sound comprehensive.
Tips for writing about cities
Devote one paragraph to a single aspect of the city. For example, the first paragraph may contain general information and mention the population; the second one can describe industries; the third one may describe culture, and so on.
Use both printed and web-based sources to find necessary information about the city.
Use “its” as a possessive of the city (not his, or her).
If you include numbers, write out the numbers up to twenty. For larger ones, use numerals. For example, Three theaters are located in the city. BUT The city has a population of over 200,000 inhabitants.
Use “million” to express huge numbers. For example, 1.5 million people live in the greater metropolitan area.
Do not forget to capitalize on specific corporations’ and monuments’ names.
Use the comparative and superlative forms to make your statements related to other cities. For example, The city is the biggest producer of tomatoes in the region.
Helpful language
A is located in the B region of (country)
A lies between the M and N (rivers, mountains, etc.)
A is located at the foot of G mountains
A is located in the D valley
A has a population of X
Over (number) inhabitants live in A
About (number) inhabitants live in A
With a population of (number), A …
A is famous for …
A is known as…
(product, place, company, etc.) is essential for A, …
The main industries in A are …
A has (number) factories (plants, etc.)
The leading employers of A are…
The biggest employer is …